{ hexo }

  • hexo蛋疼升级




    然后到hexo.io一看,果然。。升级了3.0,还是”the API has breaking changes”的节奏

    按照文档里写的去掉版本号,npm install hexo-cli -gnpm install hexo --save ,然后发现folder又要重新出屎化,出屎化完了还要重新安装全套插件,还要重新设置环境变量。。。


  • 博客迁移:使用hexo建站


    神烦wordpress那一大堆奇怪的插件和功能,何况不懂后台优化的我看到wp页面加载时那几十条http请求就头大,于是毅然决然的始乱终弃(= =)了wp,转投静态博客。


    理由之一是易于部署,并且风评很好= =

    Blazing Fast

    Node.js brings you incredible generating speed. Hundreds of files take only seconds to build.

    Markdown Support

    All features of GitHub Flavored Markdown are supported. You can even use most Octopress plugins in Hexo.

    One-Command Deployment

    You only need one command to deploy your site to GitHub Pages, Heroku or other sites.

    Various Plugins

    Hexo has a powerful plugin system. You can install more plugins for Jade, CoffeeScript plugins.

    这便是官网的介绍。听着就很带感= =